Orcas, Dolphins and Sperm Whales

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We had two tours today, and they were both beautiful in different ways. In the morning, we started off by spotting a larger group of white-beaked dolphins just outside Ólafsvík. We then ventured out towards the open sea for quite a while until we suddenly spotted a sperm whale blow! We got to see the fluke of the sperm whale once he was going for a deep dive, and spotted another sperm whale at a distance. That same moment we also encountered the killer whales that were spread out in the area and soon we had them all around the boat. In the afternoon, we did not have to search for so long for the orcas, as we encountered a group feeding underneath hundreds of gannets and gulls. After another scout in the area, we spotted yet another orca group, and came past the first group on our way back home. Today we could hardly catch our breath and just one word comes to mind: sublime!
Marie (Tour Guide)
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