We’ve been waiting for you all morning!

Home / whale diaries / We’ve been waiting for you all morning!

This morning we went out with a group from Discover the World. The idea was that we should go and find Orcas rather than them finding us. However, we didn’t even get out of Grundarfjörður as a pod of 8-10 of them came towards us on our way out of the fjord! It was as if they were saying “Well, we’ve been waiting for you all morning so we decided to come and get you!” We sailed calmly around them as they travelled back and forth between Grundarfjörður and Melrakkaey for the rest of the tour, seemingly not feeding but rather just making half-hearted checks for whether there’d be any Herring there, splitting up and reuniting all the time. It was such a great tour that 2/3 of the DTW group wanted to come again in the afternoon. So it was more or less the same passengers again that we took out at 2 PM for just as great a tour now the male ‘Floppy’ with the collapsed dorsal fin had joined in.

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