We had an incredible day on the water today! Our whale watching tour encountered four different cetacean species – humpback whales, sperm whales, white-beaked dolphins, and a Minke whale! We didn’t have to go far for the first humpback whale encounter that was soon followed by another one. Both humpback whales were lunge feeding, showing us the baleen in their mouth when they came to the surface! They came both very close to the boat and this made for some fantastic picture opportunities. On our way towards the deeper waters we then had a brief look at a Minke whale that also came fairly close to the boat. When we reached the Northwest, we spotted at least 10 sperm whales – and we got to see six (!) of them resting next to each other. What a sight! Very hard to capture on camera, but I managed to get at least five of them showing their bodies on the surface simultaneously (last picture). On the way home we also spotted a pod of five white-beaked dolphins which was the icing on the cake. The diversity here at Snæfellsnes is stunning at the moment!
Marie (Tour Guide)
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