…one with, and one without orcas.

Home / whale diaries / …one with, and one without orcas.

Today we had two whale watching tours – one with, and one without orcas. On our morning tour we did not have to go far out of the fjord to spot several groups of orcas that were feeding and slowly travelling in the area. We saw lots of Northern gannets diving, and dropped the hydrophone to listen to the orca calls. Close to the island Melrakkaey we then observed a seal and two sea eagles that were chasing a gull. Our afternoon tour had no such luck, even though wecould still see very far in the calm waters and the sunshine. In the afternoon we scouted very far towards East, West, and North, and did not spot any fins at all – this just teaches us how fast things change in the ocean and reminds us of how fast and far orcas can travel (up to 120 km per day!). We finished this tour by looking at two sea eagles on the island Melrakkaey. Weather conditions for the next days are looking unfavorable, and we will assess the situation tomorrow morning to decide if we can go out or not. We will keep you updated!
Marie (Tour Guide) ​

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